Nestled in the picturesque town of Moriya, within the esteemed Laurel Valley Country Club, lies the Center golf course, a hidden gem in Sukagawa, Fukushima, Japan. The address at 22-35 Minami-Takamatsu beckons both amateur and seasoned golfers alike with its inviting charm and exceptional design. The serenity of the surroundings coupled with thoughtfully curated landscapes makes this course a true haven for golf enthusiasts.The Center golf course is celebrated for its impeccably maintained greens and diverse fairways, ensuring a challenging yet enjoyable experience for players of all skill levels. Each hole is designed to bring out the best in your game, with strategic water hazards and expertly placed bunkers that demand precision and skill. The natural beauty of the surrounding landscape further enhances the immersive golfing experience, making each round incredibly rewarding.What sets the Center golf course apart is its commitment to service excellence. The staff at Laurel Valley Country Club pride themselves on delivering a five-star experience, from the moment you arrive until your final putt. With a clubhouse that offers gourmet dining and relaxing amenities, you can unwind and reflect on your game in the most luxurious settings. Every visit feels like a special occasion, with attention to detail that ensures a memorable day on the course.Whether you're a local resident or a visitor to Fukushima, the Center golf course offers a compelling reason to pick up your clubs and enjoy a round. Its seamless blend of challenging layouts, breathtaking scenery, and unparalleled service makes it a top choice for golf aficionados. Don't miss the opportunity to play on one of Japan's finest courses and create unforgettable memories at Laurel Valley Country Club.